The Castle of Beja, Alentejo, Portugal

The Castle of Beja is found in the second city of the Portuguese region of the Alentejo. It features the Torre de Menagem, which is a Roman castle, rebuilt in the Middle Ages. We usually stay in Evora, the primary city of the Alentejo, but one year tried Beja for variety’s sake. The Alentejo is very pretty and has the best food in Portugal.

Oil on canvas

36”w x 24” h


The Ponte Romana, Tavira, Portugal

Susan and I have stayed in Tavira on the southern coast of Portugal several times. It is one of the few towns in the Algarve that is not just a beach resort, but a picturesque place separate from the beach. The Ponte Romana is the old Roman bridge which spans the inlet that serves the town, as seen reflecting in the still waters.
In this painting, I tried to capture the bleached white houses on the opposite shore, which look almost North African, and the beautiful arches of the bridge and their reflections.

Oil on canvas
36”w x 24”h


Tavira, Algarve, Portugal

This is a very small painting of Tavira in the Algarve region of Portugal, painted soon after our first stay there. I love the roofscapes of Mediterranean towns with the myriad planes and varieties of terra cotta.

This is thickly painted and depicts a patch of sunlight falling on the main street of town, several blocks away.

Oil on canvas 24″w x 18″h


Olive Grove Beja Portugal

olive grove, castle at Beja in the Alentejo, Portugal

An impressionist landscape, this is one of a pair of paintings of the olive grove on the grounds of the castle in Beja, Portugal. In this painting, the trees are painted as hundreds of individual leaves, rather than the usual way of treating the whole leaf-mass as one volume with light and shadow. The other painting of this pair is painted differently.

Oil on canvas

20”w x 16”h


Olive Grove 1, Beja Portugal

This is one of a pair of paintings of the olive grove on the grounds of the castle in Beja, Portugal. In this painting, the trees are painted as masses of light and shadow, and some leaves are added afterward to create the impression of leafiness. The other is painted differently.

Oil on canvas

20”w x 16”h


The Palace of Monserrate, Sintra, Portugal

This is the Palace of Monserrate, a quinta (estate) in Sintra, Portugal. It is Victorian Gothic and spectacular inside. Sintra is a beautiful town near Lisbon and is surrounded by palaces and country houses. Susan and I have visited Sintra several times and we particularly love Victorian Gothic since we live in a Victorian Gothic cottage ourselves.

oil on canvas

30″w x 22″h
